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Kimmie and Joey: A Special Wedding Gift

After getting engaged in May of 2020, Kimmie Remis and Joey Mowrey wanted to do something unconventional to celebrate their nuptials. Instead of asking their wedding guests for gifts, they compiled a list of nonprofits for guests to donate to in honor of their wedding – and Boston Medical Center was among them.

Kimmie Remis and Joey Mowrey WeddingKimmie and Joey wanted to give back after witnessing the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; Kimmie credits her parents and Jewish faith as part of her inspiration. “You always give back, find ways to make the world better,” she says.

As a former BMC employee, Kimmie says that the mission stayed with her long after leaving her position as an obstetrics and gynecology research coordinator. She describes her former colleagues as “some of the best people I have ever met.” She has maintained the friendships she made at BMC and says that if she didn’t return to graduate school, she would likely still be working at BMC. Kimmie views healthcare at BMC as “kind and dignified,” and has always supported the hospital in any way she can.

When the big day came in August the following year, about 45 loved ones gathered in Kimmie’s parents’ backyard to celebrate the couple. Many of their family and friends, some of whom had previously donated to BMC, were excited to support a hospital on the forefront of stigma-free addiction service, gender-affirming care, reproductive care, and so much more.

Inspired by the couple’s generosity, their guests even made second gifts to BMC in their name to honor their one-year wedding anniversary. Kimmie said that her guests thought it was wonderful that she and Joey had chosen to support local charities instead of asking for wedding gifts, and she said that even those who weren’t able to attend the event sent donations.

For others who feel inspired to donate to BMC in honor of a special person or occasion, Kimmie has some words of encouragement, “If you’re in a privileged enough space to do it, then do it!”

Thinking about donating to BMC in honor or memory of someone you care about? Learn more >